Jason Rohrs
Special Command Aide Program Manager | U.S. Coast Guard Culinary Specialists
Briefly describe your job and responsibilities.
Managing and recruiting Coast Guard Culinary Specialists that work in special culinary assignments across the country. These chefs work anywhere from the White House to a lighthouse on Diamond Head, HI.
What does a “typical” day at work look like for you?
I don’t think I have a typical day at work and it is one of my favorite aspects of my current job. I manage more than 30 US Coast Guard Chefs across the country. My job requires a lot of travel and I also am involved with recruiting. I really enjoy mentoring my team and helping improve the Culinary Specialist
rating. I really try to stay out of my office and work with as many people and teams as possible.
What was your first job in the hospitality industry?
I started as a server for a small restaurant in my hometown, Napoleon, OH. The chef there really opened my eyes to the industry and the hard work it takes to be successful.
When did you know this industry was right for you?
I always enjoyed food and cooking, but never thought of it as a career. As a teenager my “chore” was to prepare dinner for the family. Both of my parents owed their own small business so they were very busy. I went to culinary school at Hocking College in order to learn a trade that would facilitate me being able to travel and explore the world. I really enjoyed the teamwork and the intense environment of the kitchen. It
has always been something I loved and had a passion for.
Briefly describe your career path and how you got to where you are today.
After culinary school, I built my resume in Ohio in order to travel and work in places I only dreamed of going as a child. I received the opportunity to “stage” at a high-end restaurant in Waikiki, HI. I bought a one-way ticket assuming if I didn’t land the job I could fall into another kitchen in that city, thankfully I got the position. In Hawaii, I was exposed to the Coast Guard and really loved the mission. My prior experience helped me excel in the service and created opportunities to work in high-profile positions. I think my career path has been defined by taking chances and opportunities when they presented themselves, working hard, and always trying to do something bigger than before.
What is your favorite part of your job?
I really enjoy helping teams solve problems and working logistics of events. Logistics used to be something I hated, but now embrace the challenge. I also love to travel around and assist with large events.
What is the most challenging part of your job?
Balancing so many personalities and keeping everyone working towards the same goal. Everyone has different motivations, especially in the workplace, so figuring out what drives people to be their best and helping them achieve their goals.
What advice would you give to students interested in your profession?
Become good at the fundamentals and then use those to build bigger skillsets. Always be on time and stay outside of your comfort zone, pushing yourself to do more. Never turn down a new opportunity just because it is difficult.
What achievement are you most proud of?
The life my wife and I have built for ourselves and watching our daughter work hard to accomplish her goals.
Professionally, being able to compete at the IKA Culinary Olympics in Germany was an experience I will never forget.
What do you like to do outside of work?
I love spending time with my wife and daughter. We both work to travel so we are always looking forward to our next adventure. I also enjoy being a mediocre golfer.
What is your favorite food to make or eat?
What’s at the top of your bucket list?
I really want to visit Egypt.